
Terms & conditions of the "Mother’s Day at Posh Lashes" Offer

I. Promoter and time frame

  1. Promoter of  "Mother’s Day at Posh Lashes" Offer (hereinafter referred to  as  'Offer') is  Posh Lashes Limited Liability Company limited partnership with registered address (headquarters) at ul. Senatorska 14/16, 93-192 Łódź, entered into the  Companies Register by the  District Court Łódź – Śródmieście Łódź, XX Commercial Department of  the  National Court Register under the  number KRS: 0000684415, REGON 101805889, NIP 7272792881 (hereinafter referred to  as  Posh Lashes or the  Promoter and partners of  Posh Lashes, from which it is  possible to  purchase Products covered by the  Special Offers in  accordance with point II, c,d,e of  Terms & Conditions (hereinafter referred to  as  the  ‘Promoter’), while for specific Special Offer Participant the  Special Offer Promoter is  always the  entity with which the  Participant concludes a  sales agreement.
  2. The offer runs from 17th May 2021, 10:00:00 (Europe Central Time zone GMT + 1) until 26th May 2021, 23:59:59 00 (Europe Central Time zone GMT + 1), or until stocks last or is  cancelled by the  Promoter (hereinafter referred to  as  ‘Duration Time’).

II. General Terms and Conditions

  1. The offer is  open to  both the  consumer, making a  legal transaction under the  conditions set out in  these T&Cs, not directly related to  its business or professional activity, as  well as  a  professional running business or professional activity referred to  in  art. 33 1 § 1 of  the  Civil Code (hereinafter referred to  as  the  Participant).
  2. The Participant will place an order until offer ends:
    a. via Posh Lashes online store at https://www.poshlashes.com/
    b. in  the  Posh Lashes retail store;
    c. in  the  official point of  sale, the  list of  which can be found on the  Posh Lashes website at https://www.poshlashes.com/pl,punkty-sprzedazy.html , who participates in  the  Offer, as  joining the  Offer through official points of  sale is  voluntary;
    d. in  the  online stores operated by the  entities mentioned above;
    e. at the  sales representatives of  the  entities mentioned above.
    With the exception of point III sec. 2, for which the Participant:
    a. via Posh Lashes online store at https://www.poshlashes.com/
    b. in  the  Posh Lashes retail store;
  3. The offer applies to  orders placed during the  special offer both in  Poland and other countries.
  4. Any further resale of  the  Promoter's products purchased within and covered by the  offer is  not permitted in  any scope, in  particular, related to  the  Participant's business activities. In case of  breach of  the  above, the  Promoter has the  right to  claim from the  Participant the  return of  the  value of  products that the  Participant purchased as  part of  the  offer, to  which the  Participant, by accepting the  T&Cs and taking part in  the  Promotion agrees.

III. Terms and Conditions

  1. During the  Offer, the  Participant can purchase:
    • strip eyelashes, available in  the  Posh Lashes online store at https://www.poshlashes.com/pl,rzesy-na-pasku.html, with 20% OFF the  retail price,
  2. illuminated lash mirror, available in  the  Posh Lashes online store at https://www.poshlashes.com/pl,a373,lusterko-podswietlane.html,with 20% OFF the  retail price.
  3. This offer does dot combine with any other offer and products listed above.
  4. The offer does not apply to  OUTLET products available at https://www.poshlashes.com/pl,outlet.html .
  5. During the  offer, each Participant can purchase unlimited number of  orders.
  6. Posh Lashes reserves the  right at any time in  its sole discretion to  cancel, modify or supersede the  T&C’s of  the  offer without notice. The  rights acquired by the  Participants before the  change will be respected. In particular, Indigo Nails reserves the  right to  shorten the  Offer duration or to  exclude individual items from the  Offer due to  being out of  stock.

IV. Complaints and Returns

  1. All complaints regarding the  Offer shall be submitted via e-mail to  reklamacje@poshlashes.com or by post to  Promoter's head office given in  point 1 par. 1 of  these T&Cs with reference: "Mother’s day at Posh Lashes" Offer. Any claims must be received before Special Offer ends and within 14 days of  receipt of  order.
  2. The complaint should include the  following details: name, surname, and their full address, a  detailed description and reason for the  complaint, as  well as  a  resolution request.
  3. Complaints submitted after the  offer ends or not including the  information referred to  in  paragraph 2 will not be considered. The  date of  posting the  complaint is  the  date on the  postage stamp on the  package containing the  complaint.
  4. Complaints will be considered immediately, however no later than 14 days from the  day they are received by the  Promoter.
  5. If the  provisions of  the  generally applicable law grant the  Participant the  right to  return, the  return of  products purchased within the  Offer is  possible insofar as  it constitutes a  whole set of  new and unused items purchased within the  Offer. The  return can be made by the  customer only in  relation to  the  Promoter within the  meaning of  item I para. 1 of  the  Regulations.

V. Data Protection

  1. Personal Data of  Participants will be processed by the  Promoter.
  2. Personal data collected in  connection with the  offer will be processed in  order to: order processing, accounting as  well as  pursuing claims and defence against claims arising from the  Sales Agreement - based on the  Administrator's legitimate legal interest in  pursuing claims and defending against claims.
  3. Personal data of  Participants may be disclosed to  entities supporting the  Promoter in  the  implementation of  the  Competition, including marketing agencies, courier companies, postal and courier services operators.
  4. In connection with personal data processing by the  Promoter, Participants have the  following rights:
    a) the  right to  access personal data and the  right to  request rectification, deletion, or restrictions on their processing
    b) the  right to  transfer personal data provided to  another data administrator
    c) the  right to  object to  data processing
  5. Participants also have the  right to  lodge a  complaint with the  President of  the  Office for Personal Data Protection.
  6. Personal data of  offer Participants will be stored for the  period during which complaints will be possible, and in  the  case of  complaints for the  time necessary to  consider the  complaint.
  7. Providing personal data is  voluntary; however, it is  required for order completion. Not providing personal data will affect its ability to  process the  order.

VI. Final provisions

  1. The offer T&Cs are available at each Organizer’s websites and premises.
  2. Processing might be longer if there are several orders during Special Offer.
  3. The Participants of  the  offer automatically accept T&Cs that apply to  this. All Participants of  the  offer must declare that they have read and accept all T&Cs that apply.